Par fingerringe, Messing, forgyldt, mode smykker & forskellige stilarter for valg & for kvinde & for mennesket & med rhinestone, 10pc'er/Lot, Solgt af Lot

  • Vare nr.:211129164201
  • forsendelse:7- 15 dage
  • På lager - Kan leveres
  • lagerantal for varer Lot
  • Emballage: 10pc'er/Lot
  • Vægt:50 G
  • Håndværk:forgyldt
  • Effekt:mode smykker,forskellige stilarter for valg,for kvinde,for mennesket,med rhinestone
Discount ender:
    • Farve:

      1:Wholeheartedly2:Love for a lifetime3:Love Jigsaw4:Fly with wings5:Domineering6:Forever7:Crown protector8:Love9:Can't help it10:Love in this life11:Eternal Love12:Angel kiss13:Love you forever14:Cross the love river together15:To tie the knot16:Heart-to-heart17:ECG acceleration18:Love Apartments19:Domineering angel20:Glossy Concubine21:Eachother22:Love you with all my heart23:Elegant crown24:Logo double row25:Heart and promise26:love you forever27:Intertwined love28:Two carat love29:Lock heart couple30:Sweet four-leaf clover31:Heart and mind32:Stars twinkle33:Perfect34:Domineering Plum35:Footprints of love36:Eiffel Tower37:Dolphin Love38:Good things come in pairs39:Love you 131440:Love of a lifetime
    • Størrelse:

      Men's 2cmWomen's 1.8cm

    Pris:US$4.95 /Lot  (0.49 /pc'er)

    Mængde: Lot   MOQ:  

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