
legno Base bruciatore di incenso, Inciso, nessuno, Venduto da PC

  • Articolo numero:220117150948
  • spedizione :7-15 giorni
  • In inventario - Disponibile
  • articoli quantità di magazzino PC
  • imballaggio:
  • peso:
  • Peso di volume:
  • Colore:nessuno
  • Artigianato:Inciso
  • Innocuo:nessun
  • Sconto:26%
Sconto le estremità:
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      1:Acerbity branch A section inside 2cm height 2.52:Acid branch A section inside 2.5cm height 2.5cm3:Acid branch A section inside 3cm height 2.54:Acid branch A section inside 3.5cm height 2.5cm5:Sour branch wood A 4cm high 2.56:Acid branch A section inside 4.5cm height 2.57:Acerbity branch A section inside 5cm height 2.58:Sour branch wood A 6cm high 39:Sour branch wood A section inside 7cm high 310:Ebony A inside 2cm height 2.511:Ebony TYPE A inside 2.5cm height 2.5cm12:Ebony A inside 3cm height 2.513:Ebony A inside 3.5cm height 2.514:Ebony A inside 4cm height 2.515:Ebony A section inside 4.5cm height 2.516:Ebony TYPE A inside 5cm height 2.517:Acid branch wood section B inside 2.5cm height 2.5cm18:Acid branch wood section B inside 3cm height 2.519:Acid branch wood section B inside 3.5cm height 2.520:Acid branch wood section B inside 4cm height 2.521:Rosewood small flat base22:Ebony root carving water wave trumpet inside 3.5cm high 623:Ebony root carved water wave tuba 4cm high 924:Acid branches and wood root carving water wave tuba 4cm high 9

    Prezzo: US$/PC   US$0

    Quantità: PC  

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