Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants
- Tool shaped zinc alloy pendants are available in various styles like zinc alloy chair pendant, zinc alloy teapot pendant, zinc alloy telephone pendant, zinc alloy umbrella pendant and so on. All of these fancy tool shaped charms are nice for jewelry making.-
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Safety Pin antique bronzeUS$ 2419.21 -
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Oil Lamp antique silver colorUS$ 17.8815.2 -
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 8.1
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants silver color plated mixedUS$ 3
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Scissors colorful platedUS$ 0.2~0.75
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Safety Pin plated fashionUS$ 0.04
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Flat Round antique bronzeUS$ 0.1
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer antique silver colorUS$ 0.21
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants antique silver color platedUS$ 0.09
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Electrodrill antique silverUS$ 0.09
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants antique silver color platedUS$ 0.07
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Fork antique silver colorUS$ 2.1
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Barbell antique silver colorUS$ 32.7
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants antique silver color platedUS$ 6.9
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel antique silver colorUS$ 5.7
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants pan silver color platedUS$ 13.5
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe antique silver colorUS$ 6.9
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Screwdriver antique silverUS$ 5.4
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated fashion jewelryUS$ 0.25
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants fashion jewelry nickel leadUS$ 0.03
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Square plated DIY nickel leadUS$ 0.05
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY nickel leadUS$ 0.03
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe antique silver colorUS$ 3
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer antique silver colorUS$ 2.7~5.4
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe antique silver colorUS$ 0.22
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY nickel leadUS$ 0.02
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Golf Club antique silver colorUS$ 0.05
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe plated DIY Sold By PCUS$ 0.05
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Sword antique silver colorUS$ 0.14
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer antique silver colorUS$ 0.04
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Sword plated DIY 25mm Sold ByUS$ 0.03
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Sword antique silver colorUS$ 0.06
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Dagger plated DIY nickel leadUS$ 2.7
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY nickel leadUS$ 1.5
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Tableware plated DIY 24mm SoldUS$ 0.03
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe antique silver colorUS$ 3
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer antique silver colorUS$ 3
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Sword antique silver colorUS$ 1.5
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Wrench DIY Sold By PCUS$ 0.03
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe antique silver colorUS$ 3.6
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel antique silver colorUS$ 2.7
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Wrench antique silver colorUS$ 2.1
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe DIY Sold By PCUS$ 0.03
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants antique silver color platedUS$ 2.1~5.7
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 1.5
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 0.9
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 1.8
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 5.09
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 2.4
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 3.3
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 2.4
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer antique silver colorUS$ 17.7
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 3.9
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 3.6
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Saw plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 3
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Plier plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 2.1
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Shovel plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 1.5
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Wrench antique silver colorUS$ 2.7
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Saw antique silver colorUS$ 3.9
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe antique silver colorUS$ 3.3
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe antique silver colorUS$ 3.9
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe antique silver colorUS$ 2.7
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Razor Blade antique silverUS$ 2.1
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer silver color plated DIYUS$ 0.51
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Axe antique bronze colorUS$ 3.6
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 1.8~8.4
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Plier antique silver colorUS$ 3.9
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Wrench plated DIY nickel leadUS$ 1.8
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer antique bronze colorUS$ 6.3
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants Wrench antique bronze colorUS$ 8.69
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer plated DIY Sold By BagUS$ 2.61
Zinc Alloy Tool Pendants hammer antique silver colorUS$ 9.44
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Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
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Zinc Alloy Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
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Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
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Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
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Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
US$ 1.43~31.5
Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
US$ 1.69~14.75
Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
US$ 2.19~17.39
Zinc Alloy Enamel Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
US$ 4.5~13.5
Zinc Alloy Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
US$ 2.1~5.09
Zinc Alloy Pendants plated DIY Sold By Bag
US$ 2.1~6