Natural Lava Beads
- Lava beads are one of the oldest known stones found all around the world. It packs the double punch of looking beautiful and allegedly possessing healing properties. Looking at add a charming piece of ancient history to your next jewelry design creations? Look no farther than our immense selection of amazing lava stone beads.+ Hot Product
Gemstone Jewelry Beads Aquamarine DIY & faceted blue
US$ 2.6~6.92
Gemstone Jewelry Beads Apatites DIY & faceted blue
US$ 2.6~7.56
Natural Lapis Lazuli Beads DIY & faceted dark blue
US$ 3.03~5.19
Gemstone Jewelry Beads Apatites DIY & faceted light
US$ 3.24~5.84
Natural Tiger Eye Beads DIY & faceted yellow Sold By
US$ 2.38~3.46
Natural Tiger Eye Beads DIY & faceted Sold By Strand
US$ 2.81~3.46
Gemstone Jewelry Beads African Bloodstone Flat Round DIY
US$ 4.54~5.19
Turquoise Beads Natural Turquoise Flat Round DIY skyblue
US$ 2.81~4.54
Gemstone Jewelry Beads Leopard Skin Stone Flat Round DIY
US$ 3.24~4.11
Natural Aventurine Beads Green Aventurine Flat Round DIY
US$ 3.24~4.54
Gemstone Jewelry Beads Silver Obsidian Square DIY black
US$ 3.89~6.26
Gemstone Jewelry Beads Morganite Maple Leaf DIY pink Sold
US$ 8.64